Bipin Pharma Equipement
Equipments detail
Equipment: Mass Mixer
Equipment Type: Mixing Equipment -> Mixer
Unit Type:
Technical Parameters:
Post Time: 2010-10-27
Main Features:
Description: We offer Max Mixer that are highly durable, corrosion resistant and breathes in quality. Fabricated from the best grades of raw material these are rigorously tested by our quality controllers, ensuring that the best and flawless range is delivered to the market. The salient features of our machines include the following: Construction: • The Mixer consists of Mixing drum complete in itself • It contains mixing drum body, mixing paddle and sealing arrangement • The drum rests on rigid M.S. fabricated body carrying motor, gear box, starter and tilting arrangement • The drive of mixing paddle is through suitable oil filled worm gear unit which in turn get drive through V belts from a suitable T.E.F.C. motor • The blades of the paddle are so arranged that thorough mixing is obtained • All parts which are in direct contact with the material to be mixed are of S.S. or neutral material • The main paddle runs in journals and supported by thrust bearings of ample size to carry rigid and thrust load • The whole drum of mixer makes ease of cleaning • The rotor is so designed that it can be removed, by removing the main shaft without much problem Plastic Dust Cover: • The material under mixing process can be apparently seen from the Plastic Dust Cover of the container at all times • Its hinged and holding allows solution to be added through without difficulty while the mixer is in motion. Safety: • The plastic dust cover is so interlocked that on opening the cover the motor automatically stops. • The interlocking system is given to avoid the accident as the machine will not start unless and until container is totally closed. • This is of utmost importance in a machine like this which has revolving blades. Lubrication - of all moving parts specially designed to prevent oil coming in contact with the powder.
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